1. 半年結在即,又係基金嘜價之時.股價低殘的基金愛股可作超短線,賺個快錢歡渡回歸13周年.恒安(1044)、春天百貨(331)、偉易達(303)、華創(291)、李寧(2331)、中海集運、首創置業(2868)、利邦(891)等基金股均有留意價值.
2. 玩完短跑,不妨放眼中距離,下半年其中一隻心水股,係經營環球傢俬產銷業務的台資股順誠控股(531),將佢擺上枱,理由係佢財務穩健,兼有內銷的拓展空間.
3. 順誠4年前以2.75元上市,本周五收報1.17元,仍然「深潛」.公司雖然08年受美國業務影響而「見紅」,但去年迅速重拾亮麗的業績,賺4000萬美元,現價只相當於0.8倍市帳率,加上3.9厘派息和11倍市盈率,係下半年攻守兼備的細價股.
4. 順誠以本身品牌Universal Furniture及Legacy Classic產銷中高價家居傢俬,銷售以美國為主,亦涉足英國海外市場。環球經濟復甦已令國際傢俬股重上合理水平,如集團持15%股權的美國Furniture Brands(07年向順誠大股東郭山輝收購,以每股1.55元支付4.73億元代價).今年以來, Furniture Brands股價上升一成,但順誠股價原地踏步,「地板價」並不合理.
5. 順誠喺去年在經營困境下仍有不俗的表現,成功扭虧為盈,美國業務雖然收縮,但受惠2008年底收購英國Willis Gambier帶來的貢獻,加上成功進行匯率對沖,成為業績翻身動力。集團近年已從木製傢俬產品的OEM業務,發展成跨國多品牌批發及分銷商,提供整系列木製傢俬、布藝及皮製沙發,亦生產提供予酒店業的木製傢俬及沙發,在成本控制上以美國業務節省措施奏效,毛利率由24.7%上升至30.4%。
6. 公司在海外發展經驗豐富兼擁自家品牌,未來3年會開拓大中華市場,相信成為新增長亮點,彌補對美國市場的過份依賴.
7.順誠財務極佳亦可加分.截至去年底止,持有2.45億美元現金,扣除債項約有2.23億美元淨現金,折合每股0.567元,即佔去現價達50%水平. 首個目標,以大股東注資入股價1.55元為目標,下半年整體TP,應可見2元.
8. 講完正路股,垃圾股亦要望多眼.市況沉悶加上成交偏淡,理應暫離垃圾股,但綽號「中國吹水」的中國趨勢(8171)卻升勢重現,實在唔玩唔舒服.
9. 中國趨勢正進行1供4抽水大計,供股價4仙,比現價8.4仙有巨大折讓.供股權證買賣已於本周五截止,收皮價係1仙,即係話,昨天入市的散戶可用低至5仙的成本價股參與供股,比現價仍屬超筍.由於滙盈和結好兩間證券包銷,意味著即使供股不足,仍有大戶護航.
10. 中國趨勢去年易主,轉型搞LED業務.當然,「吹水」成分居多,但今次供股肯定仍有後著,幕後仍未能藉大成交進行派發.同時,該股喺連跌12天後,周五出現報復性反彈24%. 為咗增加供股吸引力,唯一方法係炒高正股,估計短期升勢可持續,有機會上試0.1至0.12元水平.
11. 炒呢類股,切忌太貪,應堅決奉行「有胡唔食,罪大惡極」鐵律.當然,一旦唔對路就要同佢SAY GOODBYE.
Mobius Sees Opportunities in Hungary, No ‘Double Dip’
June 7 (Bloomberg) -- The global economy will avoid a “double dip” recession and falling stock prices have created buying opportunities in east European countries including Hungary, Templeton Asset Management Ltd.’s Mark Mobius said.
“Globally there will not be a double dip,” Mobius, who oversees about $34 billion in emerging markets as Templeton Asset Management’s Singapore-based chairman, said in an interview today on Bloomberg Television. In Hungary, “we’ve seen falls of 20 percent or more and in that kind of scenario there are great opportunities to buy from a longer-range point of view,” Mobius said. “Their numbers are not as bad as Greece.”
June 7 (Bloomberg) -- The global economy will avoid a “double dip” recession and falling stock prices have created buying opportunities in east European countries including Hungary, Templeton Asset Management Ltd.’s Mark Mobius said.
“Globally there will not be a double dip,” Mobius, who oversees about $34 billion in emerging markets as Templeton Asset Management’s Singapore-based chairman, said in an interview today on Bloomberg Television. In Hungary, “we’ve seen falls of 20 percent or more and in that kind of scenario there are great opportunities to buy from a longer-range point of view,” Mobius said. “Their numbers are not as bad as Greece.”
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