Quoted & Summarized from SBI Securities
Target revised up to HK$3.26, thanks to contribution of CEC acquisition.
Reiterate BUY.
Acquires China Enterprise Communications (CEC). In line with our M&A growth
hypothesis, CITIC 1616 announced a HK$258m acquisition from its ultimate
shareholder CITIC Group and proposed a change in company name to “CITIC
Telecom International”. The asset to be acquired is 49% equity interest of CEC and 100% of CEC-HK, which is a leading IP-VPN (internet protocol-virtual private network) services provider in China, being one of the few licensees in China.
The consideration is to be paid by HK$187.6m in cash, and the company is to assume US$9.1m debt to controlling shareholder. Management indicated that the price-to-sales ratio is 1.55x based on 2009 sales, of which 2009 was the first year CEC-HK (the operation unit) began to make profit of HK$4.5m. Upon completion of the transaction, CITIC 1616 also will be granted a 10-year call option for the additional 45.1% equity interest in CEC.
Valuation for the acquisition at 9.8x P/E for 2010F. For 2009A, sales and netprofit of CEC-HK was RMB154.4m and RMB4.5m, which represented a net margin of 2.9% for its first profitable year. With net margin expected to normalize to 15%, potential attributable profit is RMB23m. Since the transaction is to complete most likely in Q4, we ignore synergies and sales growth for 2010. As such, the total consideration of HK$258m is equivalent to 9.8x FY12/10F P/E for CEC-HK based on HK$1.1454 for RMB1. We believe the price for the acquisition is fair in short-term valuation but the acquisition is largely positive for medium to longer term. We expect
more synergies to emerge in 2011, which boost a high growth for next year, followed by market growth from 2012 onwards, which is reflected in our revised model.
In our view, there is low execution risk as CITIC 1616 has in the past repeatedly demonstrated their ability to merge acquired assets into the fold. CEC-HK has VPN access in China and limited overlap with existing operations. CITIC 1616 did not own the required license to run VPN business in China. Instead, prior to the acquisition, fully-owned subsidiary CPCNet to own a minority stake in China VPN operations. CPCNet had exposure to the around one-third market share in VPN market in China. Its service fee is 30% to 40% higher than China Unicom and China Telecom, the remaining 2 major operators, due to CITIC 1616‟s focus on the higher-end market. Upon acquiring CEC, CITIC 1616 owned the required license
and lower-to-mid end client base. We believe CEC has reached a critical mass and is supposed to realize cost saving in 2011 upon its merge with CPCNet. From 2012 onwards, we expect CITIC 1616 could realize strong growth with exposure to both high-end and low-end market VPN market in China.
CITIC’s repositioning. We believe CITIC 1616 would likely re-position itself after changing its name. Its new name and logo are intended to reflect the company‟s role as key telecom business investment platform overseas for CITIC Group. As a platform, the company may leverage on M&A opportunities from CITIC Group. CITIC Group has telecom operations such as telecom licenses, transmission network and content providers, to name a few.
5 則留言:
大型重組效應 不容低估
炒友 Blog:陸續注資中信 1616可升 5成
大市走勢弱於預期,恒指上周五再挫 177點,報 22877, 8月底升浪的 0.5倍黃金比率在 22680,已守了 4個交易日,此關若失,下一支持在 100日線 22124,料可守穩。
中信 1616( 1883)明日正式改名為中信國際電信集團,確認為中信集團的海外電信業務投資旗艦,千億大注資的第 1步亦已落實,預期注資行動陸續有來,而且股價近期走勢見異動,要留意。
中信 1616今年 9月初股價見突破,半個月間由 1.98元升至 2.92元,大升達 47%,由於升勢過急,其後個多月以三角形整固,並於上月下旬跌破,上周初跌至 2.45元形成底部,上周三突以大陽燭升至 2.70元,升破短期降軌,最近兩日後抽,完成整固後短期將上試 3元。
從周線圖分析,中信 1616去年 11月至今形成長方形,頂部在 3元,底部在 1.93元,若能破頂,中線目標可達 4.07元,潛在升幅近 58%。
集團從事話音、短信、移動增值及數據服務,本屬中信泰富( 267)旗下。較早前,最終控股公司中信集團對中信 1616直接注資(剛獲股東會通過),顯示集團的地位已大不相同。
今次注入的中企網,在中國經營虛擬專用網絡( IP-VPN)業務,是首家獲得全國 IP-VPN牌照的獨立企業。中信 1616現有的 CPCNet從事海外業務,而中企網的客戶都在內地,合併可發揮協同作用。集團主席辛悅江指出, CPCNet在海外具有一定優勢,結合中企網在內地的業務,等同「兩隻翅膀在飛」,發展潛力龐大。
PE不足 13倍
辛悅江表示,集團更改名稱,是為了更能反映業務發展,集團將於發展中國家,包括中亞、非洲等地拓展業務,並把握併購機會,期望 3至 5年內成為內地於海外最大電訊企業。
中信 1616上半年賺 1.8億元,由於 5月完成收購的澳門電訊將可全期提供收益,保守估計全年可賺 4.8億元,每股盈利 0.2元, PE不足 13倍,估值不高,加上注資事在必行,估值大有機會提升。
買賣策略: 2.64元或以下買入,暫看 3元,跌破 2.50元止蝕。
《公司業績》德昌<00179.HK>中期純利增5.4倍 派息3仙
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