
歐洲股神埋位 中國信貸坐2望3

摘錄自蘋果日報 2011年05月23日

【本報訊】有基金上周連番減磅、洗倉之際,主力在華東從事典當貸款、房地產抵押貸款等短期融資業務的中國信貸( 8207),上周五卻錄得一宗涉資 4950萬元的大額上板成交,市場消息人士透露,該宗成交是有「歐洲股神」之稱的富達國際投資總裁安東尼.波頓( Anthony Bolton)的入市傑作,亦是旗下基金去年成立以來,首度見光的掃貨行動。

中國信貸該宗大額成交涉及 3000萬股,每股作價 1.65元,於上周五早上 11時 04分上板。知情人士指出,涉及股份是由安東尼掌舵的富達中國特別情況基金( Fidelity China Special)向上市前主要股東任德章買入,佔公司現有股本約 1.8%。據聯交所資料披露,任德章在交易前持有中國信貸 1.2億股( 7.5%權益)。即交易後,其持股量已降至 9000萬股( 5.7%權益)。

信奉價值投資的安東尼,去年重出江湖,東來打理倫敦上市的最大中國股票基金─富達中國特別情況基金。基金成立一年累升近 12%,跑贏同期中港股市約 10個百分點。他鍾情中小型股份,多年來偏向較高增長的中小型企業,並曾在著作稱「避開市場熱點,尋找真正的價值投資。」

安東尼上月接受本報專訪時曾表示,未來 5至 10年的投資重點是推動中國經濟增長的行業,基金會將大部份資金投放在消費及服務行業,並特別偏好未被市場發掘及不跟從大市上落的中小型股份,今次交易正符合其策略部署。

4 則留言:

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安東尼。波頓 說...

Fidelity China Special Fund

Fidelity China Special Situations PLC is focused on the long-term growth potential of China. The portfolio is made up primarily of securities issued by companies listed in China or Hong Kong and Chinese companies listed elsewhere. It may also invest in listed companies with significant interests in China and Hong Kong.

Finding companies with hidden value
This investment trust is managed using the renowned fundamental research-led approach of Fidelity coupled with the highly successful contrarian style of Anthony Bolton. Unconstrained by the index, Anthony looks for companies that are undervalued by the market and which demonstrate growth or recovery potential, as well as takeover candidates and companies where a management change can act as a catalyst to unlock growth.

Anthony devotes much of his time to cross checking with external independent sources what companies are telling him. However, given the size and complexity of the Chinese market, it will remain a challenge to identify every potential problem out there.

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